Looking for a spiced up version of you Childhood pastime of Captains Ball? Well then, join us for a game of Ultimate Frisbee! Work together with your new teammates to toss and pass around the flying disc. Scores points when the "Goalkeeper" from your team catches the Frisbee.
Interested to try something new? Register now!
Do take note:
- A minimum no. of 10 pax will be required for the event to run
- No gender balance is required for this event
- Open to fully vaccinated individuals only
- SocialePods Terms and Conditions Apply
Price Includes:
- Game Set-up
- Drinks
- Facilitation of event
- Post-event group chat to foster private interactions
16:00 - 16:15
Elza Tan
16:15 - 16:20
Elza Tan
16:20 - 17:50
Elza Tan
17:50 - 18:00
Elza Tan
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