An animal lover? Get up close with over 300 species of Wildlife here at the Singapore Zoo. We will take you on a two and a half hour guided tour, visiting the different exhibits and attractions. Where you can discover over 15,000 mammals, birds and reptiles roaming freely in open enclosures that resemble their natural habitat.
Come and spend an awesome day with other animal lovers at one of the world's most beautiful wildlife environment.
Do take note:
- A minimum no. of 10 pax will be required for the event to run
- No gender balance is required for this event
- SocialePods Terms and Conditions Apply
Price Includes:
- Singapore Zoo Admission Ticket
- Guided Tour
- Facilitation of event
- Post-event group chat to foster private interactions
10:00 - 10:20
Elza Tan
10:20 - 12:20
Elza Tan
12:20 - 12:30
Elza Tan
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